

Thursday, May 12th, 2022

Barbell Warm-up:

2 Sets, 5 reps each movement

-Snatch Grip RDL

-Muscle Snatch

-Overhead Squat

-Tall Snatch (Tall Muscle Sn into OHS)

Hang Clean (from knee)

(Note: use % of 3RM, increase weight of 2nd & 3rd sets if you feel good.)

-90% x 3

-90% x 3

-90% x 3

Power Snatch + Heaving Snatch Balance (Note: use % of 3RM, increase weight of 2nd & 3rd sets if you

feel good.)

-90% x 3+3

-90% x 3+3

-90% x 3+3

Clean Pull (3 sec pause 1" off floor on 1st rep, increase weight of 4th & 5th sets if you feel good.)

-85% x 5

-90% x 4

-95% x 3

-95% x 3

-95% x 3


-Deadbugs: 4 x 10+/side 4 x max

-Strict Pull-ups (mod: pull-up negatives): 4 x max

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