Workout of the day
Friday, January 14th, 2022
Coach led warm up
On a 8:00 Clock:
5 Good morning squats (45/35)
10 Push up + Shoulder Taps
10 Samson stretch
50ft Bear Crawl
For time:
Every 2 min for 8 min:
10 Front Squats (body weight) (mod: 60% of 1RM F.S.)
100/80 Calorie Row
50 Handstand Push-ups (mod: stack, box, or HRPU to wall step)
*Break up how you’d like
1:00 Max Unbroken Front Squat for reps (body weight) (mod: 60% of 1RM F.S.)
*Score is total time MINUS max rep count, ea. rep = 1 sec
Post time to Wodify and Whiteboard
2 Sets:
1:00 Min Reach, Roll, and Lift
:30 Sec 90/90 Shoulder Rotation (crossover, light band, or light plates)
Extra credit
Bike Sprint
On a 15:00 Clock:
Bike For Distance
*Every minute perform a :15 sec sprint
Post distance to Wodify and White board