Workout of the day
Monday, March 20th 2023
1x 100/100′ Single arm DB OH carry
10 Ring rows – elbows WIDE
10 Burpees
:30 glute bridge hold
:30 glute bridge march steps
10/10 Single leg glute bridges
:30 prone snow angels
:30 superman hold
:30 updog
:30 Spiderman stretch
:30 down dog
:30 baby makers
PRIMER – coach led CJ Tech
5x muscle clean
5x Front Squat :02 pause in hole
5x Tall Cleans
5x Split jerk – no bar just footwork
5x Split jerk – use empty barbell
EMOM x 12 – alternating
3 Hang Squat Clean (build across starting @ 60%)
5-8 Strict Pull Ups
QF Workout #3 (lighter load than Prescribed)
For time – 10:00 CAP
5 BBJO (30/24)
1 Clean and Jerk (185/125) (Rx+225/155)(QF was 275/185)
5 BBJO (30/24)
2 Clean and Jerk (185/125) (Rx+225/155)
5 BBJO (30/24)
3 Clean and Jerk (185/125) (Rx+225/155)
5 BBJO (30/24)
4 Clean and Jerk (185/125) (Rx+225/155)
5 BBJO (30/24)
5 Clean and Jerk (185/125) (Rx+225/155)
COOLDOWN 5:00 Cal machine of choice @ moderate pace
STIMULUS Clean and Jerk weight should be no heavier than 85% of 1RM, should have to go Singles, if you can TnG it is to light