Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday, April 29th 2023


:30 easy bike/ski

:15 hard

:30 moderate

:15 hard

:30 easy


:30 Scorpions

:30 Sleeper

1:00 Coach

:30 Figure 4 on Wall


-P1 on Crossover 3 x :30

-P2 Plank/Superman/Shoulder Taps x :30

Coach Led Clean and Jerk and Jumping Prep


For Time 8x – alternating

1. AMRAP – 2

8 Strict Dips (RX+5 Bar MU)

8 P. Clean and Jerk 95/65 (115/75)

Max V-Ups in remaining time (Rx+ GHDSU)

:60 rest

2. AMRAP – 2

50 Double Unders

12 Pull ups

Max Rep single arm Devil Press @ 50/35

:60 rest

SCALING Clean and Jerk needs to be a weight that is unbroken. Modify DU to bar taps 6″ above reach. PU should have no more than 1 break.

STIMULUS This is meant to move steady through the first 2 movements and end up with more than :40 on final movement on each AMRAP. Your score is total GHDs and devil press

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