Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, June 5th 2023

WARM UP – empty barbell

10 Air Squats

10 front squats

10 push press

10 zercher squats

10 bicep curls

10 bent over rows

10 strict lateral burpees over bar (strict push up)

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – heavy band, pull up bar

:30 wrist circles

:30 Dead hang

:10 single arm dead hang / side

3 eccentric jumping chin ups as slow as possible

*band on rig

:30 banded lateral hip distraction / side

:30 banded deep squat stretch facing rig

10 spanish squats

PRIMER – empty barbell 8 thrusters, SLOW down, fast up


EMOM x 10 – alternating

-3 Front Squats @ 60-70%

-3 Ring MU or 6-8 Strict Dips


AMRAP – 16

16/12 cal row

16 Wall Balls @ 20/14#

16/12 cal bike

16 DB snatch @ 50/35

*no rest b/t

STIMULUS WB and DB should mostly be unbroken. Row and bike should be moderate pace so you can move quick elsewhere.

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