Workout of the day
Saturday, June 10th 2023
WARM UP – bike With partner,
50/40 cal bike
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – empty barbell
5 wide push ups
5 narrow push ups, as narrow as possible
5 supinated push ups, fingers backwards
5 pike push ups
20 prone T pulses
20 prone Y pulses
:30 downward dog, walk out calves
:15 downward dog, single are reach to opposite foot / side
:30 spiderman stretch w/ T-spine rotation / side
:30 half kneeling hamstring stretch / side
*grab barbell
10 back rack thrusters
10 back rack reverse lunges
PRIMER – empty barbell
8 Strict Press
:15 dip hold
8 Push Press
EMOM x 10
5 Push Press @ 50-65% of 1RM Jerk
AMRAP – 20 – with partner
2000m Run – alternating 100m lengths with partner (10 lengths per person)
150 Push Ups (mod to Box Pushups or DB Bench)
100 Back Squats @ 185/125
Max Cal Bike in remaining time
STIMULUS 1 partner works, 1 rests.
Some groups to no get on the bike. Back squats should be a weight athletes can start with sets of 10. 1 bike per partnership.
Back squat from rack is OK.
SCALING 100m Run lengths – 150m Row sprints