Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday, June 24th 2023

WARM UP – bike

1:00 at 50-60 RPMs

:50 at 5 RPMs faster

:40 at 5 RPMs faster

:30 at 5 RPMs faster


*grab PVC

12 good morning trunk twists

12 PVC passthroughs

12 behind the neck snatch grip press in power position

12 forward lunges w/ twist, PVC on back

*grab barbell

12 deadlifts

12 reverse bicep curls (hands pronated)

12 behind the back wrist curls

1:00 barbell quad smash

:30 spiderman stretch / side


AMRAP – 12 @ easy pace

1 Rope Climbs – read below

30′ HS walk

15 GHD Hip Extensions

Scaling HS walk – 4 HS walk Attempts, 10 HS Shoulder taps,1/1 Around the worlds on box

Rope Climbs are meant to be done as hardest variation you can 1. Seated legless + controlled descent 2. Normal Legless RC 3. Normal RC + legless descent 4. Normal RC 5. 3 Rope get ups


Alternate round for round with partner

AMRAP – 16

6 TnG Clean and Jerk @ 115/80

10 Pull ups

10/7 Cal bike

NOTES Barbell must be unbroken across. Encourage an aggressive bike pace from the start. PU needs to be unbroken – decrease reps if needed.

SCALING Decrease weight and reps of barbell and PU so they can be unbroken, Jumping eccentrics for pullups

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