Workout of the day
Wednesday, July 26th 2023
WARM UP – rower
8 burpees over rower (step or hop over rower)
20/16 cal row
8 burpees over rower
10 PVC passthroughs
5 PVC around the worlds / side
10 SLOW controlled trunk twists, PVC on back
20 normal trunk twists, PVC on back 10 more slow trunk twists
10 prone PVC OH liftoffs, wide grip
10 scorpions
10 prone PVC OH liftoffs, narrow grip
10 v-ups with PVC in hands
5 Muscle Cleans
5 Strict Press
3 Hang Cleans
3 Push Jerks
4 Split Jerks
E :90 x 6
2 Power Clean
2 Jerks @ 68-72%
AMRAP – 20
20/16 Cal Row
20 Wall Balls
:60 rest
12 Power Clean and Jerks @ 115/85
12 Box Jump Overs @ 24/20″
:60 rest
NOTES Barbell must be TnG, No more than 2 breaks. Row at a pace that you can perform WB unbroken.
SCALING Box jump over, box Jumps to Plate