Workout of the day
Tuesday, August 1st 2023
200m MB run
200m run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – MB, box, barbell
:20 spiderman stretch / side
:20 half kneeling hamstring stretch / side
:20 cossack squat stretch / side
:20 pigeon stretch / side
:20 calf stretch / side
5 MB cleans
5x MB squat + wall ball
*grab box
:30 armless prayer on box
10 step ups
6 burpee box jump overs (focus on stepping/hopping up facing same direction whole time so you’re not spinning in circles)
E3M x 4
10 Back Squat @ 60-70%
*heavier than last week
AMRAP – 20
10 DB Thrusters @ 50/35s
200m Run
10 DB Squats
:60 rest
8 DB step overs @ 50/35s (24″/20″)
4 Wall Walks
:60 rest