Workout of the day
Wednesday, August 2nd 2023
WARM UP – bike
9/7 cal bike legs only
9/7 cal bike arms only
9/7 cal bike sprint
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, moderate DB, barbell
30 mountain climbers
8 90/90 hip switches
8 top half hollow hold crunches
8 bottom half hollow hold leg raises
:15 dead hang
:15 chin up grip dead hang
:10 hanging hollow hold into
5 kip swings
:10 hanging arch hold into 5 kip swings
*grab moderate DB
8/8 single arm upright rows
8/8 single arm shoulder press
8/8 DB windmills
PRIMER – barbell
6 RDL’s, :03 tempo down, :03 pause, :03 up
E2M x 5
12 Romanian DL @ 40-50% of 1 RM DL or 5-10# heavier than last week
12 DB side raises @ light/moderate
For Time
3 rounds
20 Toes to Bar
25/20 Cal Bike
30 DB Snatches (50/35)
Accumulate 3:00 Plank
NOTES Try and do DB unbroken, T2B in 4 Sets or less.
Scale to 30 V-Ups or SL V-Ups