Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday, August 12th 2023


2 Rounds

10/10 Leg Swings

10 Air Squats

200m Run

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – rings, barbell

8/8 reverse lunges

8/8 single leg RDL’s

8/8 active frankenstein leg raises

:20 spiderman stretch w/ t-spine rotation / side

:20 downward dog

:20 wide stance forward fold

8 ring rows

8 T’s on rings or Crossover

8 Y’s on rings or Crossover

8 ring push ups (normal height rings, body at an angle)

8 HS kick ups (against wall or on floor)

*grab barbell

8 RDL’s

8 front squats

8 strict press

PRIMER – barbell

6 high hang jumps

:20 front rack dip hold

3 vertical jumps, reset b/t

3 vertical jumps, string together, no reset b/t


Coach Led Snatch and Clean and Jerk Technique


“Olympic Total”

12 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Snatch

right into

12 Minutes to Build to a Heavy Clean and Jerk

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