Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, August 16th 2023

WARM UP – rower

3:00 row, start easy pace and increase each minute

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – rings, barbell

8/8 reverse lunges

8/8 single leg RDL’s

8/8 active frankenstein leg raises

:20 spiderman stretch w/ t-spine rotation / side

8 pike push ups

:20 wide stance forward fold 8 HS kick ups

*grab barbell

8 front squats

8 strict press

4 Thurster

PRIMER – barbell

:20 front rack dip hold

5 Squat Jumps,

5 Thursters w/ light weight on bar


E :45 x 10

1 Thruster

*build across sets then

until 12:00

3 Thrusters @ heavier than above


For Time


15/12 cal Row

5 Clean and Jerk @ 155/105 (Rx+185/125)

right into


15/12 cal Row

5 Wall Walks (Rx+50 HSW)

16min CAP

NOTES Barbell should be quick singles. Row at a pace that allows you to push the next movement.

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