Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, August 22nd 2023

WARM UP – pull up bar


100m run

30 bar taps

10 push ups


*grab KB

10 KB Swings

6 KB Jefferson Curls

6/6 goblet curtsy lunges

6/6 SLOW split stance arnold press

3/3 KB windmills

*grab PVC

12 passthroughs

:20 External Rotatios

12 front rack sots press

6 pvc push jerks w/ pause at eyes

PRIMER – barbell

5 Strict Press

5 Push Press, :03 Pause id Dip

5 Push jerks, :03 pause in catch

10-20 Empty Barbell Bench Press


Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets

5 Bench Press

*build to a heavy set of 5


For Time

120 Double Under

12 Burpee Pull-Ups (Rx+12 Bar MU)

16 Shoulder to OH @ 165/115

12 Burpee Pull-Ups (Rx+12 Bar MU)

120 Double Under

*14min CAP


Break However

50 Push ups

30 Bent over barbell rows

NOTES Plan for a couple breaks on each movement. Barbell should be cycled in sets no smaller than 4. Barbell rows should be a weight athletes can perform 10s.

12min CAP

SCALING 120 Double under – 120 Bar taps – 150 Single Unders

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