Workout of the day
Saturday, August 26th 2023
WARM UP – pull up bar, rings
50 bar taps to 6″
25 sprawls
25 ring rows
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – Barbell, rings, pull up bar
Quad Smash w/ Barbell
:30 deep passive squat
:30 deep active squat hold w/ barbell on back
8 reverse curl into strict press
16 front to back transitions
8 good mornings + 8 Deadlifts
5 back squats + 5 small jump squats
10 single arm ring rows / side
:30 dead hang
5 strict leg raises as high as possible
5 strict knee to elbow
3-5 T2B or Toes to Air
@ 0:00
Perform Max Set of Strict Pull Ups
@ 2:00
EMOM x 8 – alternating
1. 6-8 Strict Ring Dips
2. :20-30 HS Hold
@ 10:00
Perform Max Set of Strict Pull Ups
For Time: w/ Partner
200/160 Cal Machine
100 Toes to Bar
50 Power Cleans (185/125)
25 Wall Walks