Workout of the day
Tuesday, August 29th 2023
WARM UP – rower, KB
:90 row
20 KB swings
10 sprawls
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – KB, pull up bar, barbell
:30 stand on 1 leg / side (close eyes if possible)
:25 stand on 1 leg w/ opposite knee up / side
:20 single leg RDL iso hold / side
6/6 KB arnold press
6/6 split stance KB shoulder press, knee 1″ off ground
100′ single KB overhead carry / arm
:20 chin up iso hold OR ring row hold
:10 wide grip pull up hold OR ring row hold w/ elbows wide
*grab barbell
8 muscle snatch from standing, no legs, upper body only
8 snatch grip deadlifts
6 snatch grip BTN strict press
6 snatch pulls w/ shrug (arms straight)
PRIMER – empty barbell
6 drop snatch into power position, receiving lower and lower each rep. End just above parallel
*use training bar or pvc for this if overhead is a struggle
EMOM x 10
1 Power Snatch
*start light and build, focus more on movement quality and range of motion than load
5 Sets
10 C2B (Rx+4 Ring Muscle Ups)
Max Rep Power Snatch @ 95/65 (Rx+115/80)
:60 rest b/t then
@ 11:00
40/32 Cal Row
2 Scores = total reps AND row time
Barbell must be cycled. MU or Pull ups need to be unbroken for more sets than not. Row HARD on second part.
SCALING 10 Pull ups – 6 Pull-Ups -10 Jumping Pull-Ups