Workout of the day
Wednesday, August 30th 2023
200m run
10 lateral burpees over line
5 lunge, lunge, squat
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – Heavy band, barbell
25′ walk on toes
25′ walk on heels
25′ walk on insides of feet
10 heel to toe rocks
:30 half kneeling banded lat stretch on rig / side
:30 band assisted deep squat on rig
:30 deep squat w/ band around t-spine
:30 v-sit holding onto band attached to rig for leverage
*grab barbell
:30 front rack hold
8 push press
8 thrusters, as much legs as possible, focus on clean rerack
-5 Tall Cleans
-4 Hang Squat Cleans
-3 Squat Cleans
Perform this with bar on floor
E2M x 5
3 Front Squats @ 75-85% of squat clean
*Squat Clean First Rep
AMRAP – 15
12 Walking Lunges @ 50/35s
200m Run
6 Thruster @ 135/95
3 Front Squats
200m Run
:60 rest b/t rounds
Lunges/thrusters unbroken for majority of rounds.
SCALING 200m Run – 250m Row