Workout of the day
Friday, September 8th 2023
300m MB run
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – MB, box, wall, barbell
10 MB step ups, bear hug
10 plyo step ups
:20 foot elevated deep lunge stretch on box / side
:30 armless prayer on box
10 good mornings w/ MB overhead (just hinge as mush as you can w/o MB falling forward
5 Box Jumps (land as tall as possible)
:20 HS hold
*grab barbell
10 front squats
PRIMER – barbell
4 power clean w/ :03 pause in catch just above parallel + ride down into full front squat
4 squat clean w/ :03 pause in catch
E2M x 6
1 Squat Clean
4 Front Squats @ 70-85% of 1RM clean
*try and use the same weight you used last week for less reps
For Time – chipper
80 Wall balls @ 20/14#
30 Box jump overs @ 24/20″
30 S2OH (115/80) (Rx+135/95)
30 Front Rack Reverse Lunges (115/80)(115/80) (Rx+135/95)
NOTES *breaks on wallball expected but try and keep sets of 20 at least
*steady BJOs
*3-5 Sets on S2OH