Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, September 27th 2023


200m Jog

20 American Swings

10 burpees

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, moderate DBs

:20 dead hang

:20 chin up dead hang

3-5 strict pull ups or 6-10 ring rows

:30 deep squat holding onto rig

5/5 single leg RDL into hip airplane (hold rig)

*grab PVC Pipe

10 Pass Throughs

10 OHS

6 Slow Motion Snatch balance

*grab barbell

5 slow motion snatch pulls, stay over bar

5 drop snatches

5 high hang Power Snatches


Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets

-12 DB Bench Press

-6-12 Strict Chin-Ups


For Time


15/12 cal row

5 Wall walks

3 Power Snatch @ 135/95# (Rx+165/115)

*no rest b/t

NOTES Barbell should be singles. Low volume here. Snatches are supposed to be fairly heavy but you shouldn’t fail any

SCALING Wall walks – 2 reps full of cut down height of climb

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