Workout of the day
Saturday, October 14th 2023
TABATA (:20 on, :10 off, 8 rounds)
-Choice b/t jump squats or burpees. Can switch each round
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – band, wall, pull up bar
*heavy band
:45 banded psoas distraction / side
:45 banded hip distraction / side
:30 banded pigeon / side
:45 band assisted deep squat
:45 half kneeling banded lat stretch / side
*grab barbell
:30 back rack elbow punches
10 high pull turnovers
10 front squats
*light weight on bar (75, 55)
5 tall squat cleans
10x (35min CAP)
3 Hang Squat Cleans @ 155/105
3 Front Squats
9 Lateral Burpee over bar
12/9 Cal Machine of Choice
NOTES This is a very easy workout to start very fast. Encourage athletes to hold back for first few rounds. Barbell should be a weight athletes can perform 3+3 without dropping the bar