Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, October 19th 2023

WARM UP – jump rope

6x :20 on, :20 off

Alternate rounds b/t single unders and crossover singles


*grab barbell

10 bootstrap squats holding onto barbell on ground

10 air squats, spend time in bottom of each if needed

5 good mornings

5 back squats

:20 front rack hold + :20 front squat iso + :20 front rack hold

:30 roll out quads w/ barbell / side

:30 half kneeling knee over toe ankle mobilization / side

6 clean grip muscle snatch

6 BTN strict press

6/6 barbell single leg RDLs

6 Hang Clean Shrugs (focus on contacting high thigh, no arms)

6 Hang Clean Pulls (add arm high pull now)

6 Hang Power Cleans

6 Split Jerks w/ no barbell

4 Front Squats

4 Split Jerks


E :90 x 7

1 Hang Power Clean (:02 pause 1″ below knee)

1 Front Squat

1 Split Jerk

*try and get heavier than last week

then In 4 Minutes

Build to a heavy Hang Power Clean


AMRAP – 15


60 crossover single unders

4 Wall Walks (Rx+ 50′ HSW)

:60 rest

AMRAP – with remaining time

12 DB snatch @ 70/50

12/9 Cal Bike

NOTES Crossover singles should be done in no longer than :50. DB is intended to be a heavier weight than normal. There is only 1 :60 rest over the entire workout.

SCALING 60 crosses – 40 reps or 75 single unders.

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