Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, December 24th, 2021

Coach led warm up

Floor stretches


10 up downs

2 rounds of:

10 pike to push up

10 scorpions

10 spider-mans

10 superman ext.

5 scap pulls + 5 kip swings


“MHCF 12 Days Of Christmas”

1 Strict pull up (mod: banded, or supine ring row)

2 Toes to bar (mod: knees to chest, or v ups

3 Burpee

4 Alt. DB devils press

5 Hand release push up

6 Alt. DB snatch

7 DB squat (hold how you want)

8 Bar muscle up (mod: pullup, baded pullup or ring row)

9 DB russian swing

10 Alt. pistol squat (mod: post, ball, or box)

11 Ring dips (mod: banded, bar, or off box)

12 Wall walks

* 35 min cap

Men: 50lb. DB

Women: 35lb. DB

Post time to Wodify and Whiteboard

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