Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, November 1st 2023

WARM UP – box


:15 on, :15 off


-Squat Jumps

-Step Ups


1:00 Box Pigeon

3/3 Tempo Step Downs

:30 spiderman stretch + t-spine rotation + overhead reach flow / side

8/8 quadruped fire hydrants / side

8/8 quadruped donkey kicks / side

*grab barbell

10 sumo squats

10 deadlifts, slow w/ no pauses anywhere

PRIMER – wall ball, box

10 wall balls + 5 box jump overs


E2M x 5

3 Deadstop Deadlifts @ 68-78% of 1RM deadlift

*These will be back. We’ll test this lift next cycle.Not looking for a 3 rep max today.


For Time (18min CAP)

18-15-12-9 Wall Ball (20/14) (Rx+30/20)

Box Jump Over @ 24/20″

then – right into

9-12-15-18 Wall Ball

*50 Double unders after each set

NOTES Plan for a break on the bigger sets of WB. Box jump overs should be a steady pace stepping down the entire time. Encourage athletes to pick a pace on the DU and box that allows them to be aggressive on WB.

SCALING Box jump – stack plates to create lower box if needed

50 DU – :50 of practice , 50 crossover singles or 75 singles

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