Workout of the day
Friday, November 10th 2023
WARM UP – rower
:30 arms only
:30 body and arms only
:30 half stroke
1:00 full stroke
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – moderate-heavy band and 10-15# plate
*grab moderate-heavy band and 10-15# plate
1:00 banded v-sit stretch
:30 banded horizontal adduction shoulder stretch / side
:30 banded OH tricep/lat stretch, band attached to pull up bar / side
:30 pallof press / side
50′ waiter carry, elbow 90 degrees
50′ waiter carry, arm straight
3/3 single leg RDLs, plate hugged to chest
3/3 single leg RDLs, plate overhead
6 anterior plate loaded squat
6 plate overhead squats
PRIMER – *grab barbell/trainer bar
5 snatch grip high pulls
5 no legs muscle snatch
5 overhead squats
5 Power Snatches
E2M x 4
6/6 Plate Elevated Back Rack Reverse Lunges
*use #45 plate, all 6 on one leg then switch
For Time (14min CAP)
Power Snatch
*after each set 18/14 Cal Row
30 @ 75/55
20 @ 95/65
10 @ 115/85 (Rx+ 135/95)
NOTES Only 1 bar, change your own weights. First 2 bars need to be majority TnG sets. Final bar singles are OK.