Workout of the day
Thursday, November 16th 2023
3 Way Banded Hamstring Stretch
1:00/1:00 Spiderman
:45/:45 Pigeon
0:00 – 9:00
Every 3 Minutes x 3 Sets
1:00 Machine (moderate pace)
15 Banded Good Mornings
10 Air Squats
5 Inchworms
9:00-10:00 Rest
AMRAP x 15
30/24 Cal Machine or 400m Run
20 Walking Lunges (farmer hold)
10 DBL DB Hang Snatches
25:00-27:00 Rest
27:00 – 35:00
Every 2 Minutes x 4 Sets
1:00 Wall Sit
right into
15 Jump Squats
35:00-36:00 Rest
36:00 – 42:00
EMOM x 6
:50 Sit Ups
:40 Plank
:30 Flutter Kicks
*score is rounds plus reps of AMRAP