Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tuesday, November 28th 2023

WARM UP – bike

20/16 cal bike

:15 rest

:15 arms only sprint

:15 bike sprint

MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – pull up bar, rings, heavy band

:30 dead hang

10 scap push ups

10 scap pull ups

10 T’s on rings

10 ring rows

5 strict pull ups

:30 rig assisted deep squat stretch

6/6 rig assisted single leg squats, back knee taps ground

*grab heavy band

:45 spanish squats

10 Slow air squats, band around waist towards rig

10 good mornings, band around waist pull posteriorly towards rig

PRIMER – light barbell

5 back squats + 5 front squats + 10 front to back rack thrusters


EMOM x 10


Back Squats :01 pause in hole every rep @ 65-75%

*keep the pause, but getting heavier than last week with some singles


EMOM x 15

:30 Max Rep Thrusters (95/65)

:30 Max Rep Strict Pull-Ups

:30 Max Rep GHDSU

*score is total reps

*modify pull-ups to banded

*scale GHDS to situps with feet anchored under DBs

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