Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday, December 21st 2023


EMOM x 4 (alternate minutes)

-15 KB swings + 10 air squats

-5 burpees + 10 Step Ups


1:00 Box Pigeon

3/3 Tempo Step Downs

:30 spiderman stretch + t-spine rotation + overhead reach flow / side

8/8 quadruped fire hydrants / side

8/8 quadruped donkey kicks / side


2 Rounds For Time:

25/20 Cal Machine

50 Air Squats

25/20 Cal Machine

50 KB Swings (moderate weight)

25/20 Cal Machine

50 Bodyweight Step Ups

25/20 Cal Machine

500′ Farmer Carry (50′ segments) (rig to Wall) (choose heavyish weight here)

*goal is to move steady on this one. See how consistent you can keep your machine pace through the whole workout.

35 Minute Time Cap

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