Workout of the day
Tuesday, December 26th 2023
Hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas!! Reminder just 8:15 and 9:30 AM Class today. Back at it with full schedule tomorrow!
WARM UP – machine
2 min easy machine
Half Tabata on machine, increasing intensity, finish last round at 95%
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – band/barbell
*grab band
-Banded Front Rack Opener on Rig / :40 each
-Banded Lat Stretch (opposite knee down) / :40 each
-10 Banded Good Mornings
-12 Banded Pull Aparts
*grab barbell
1:00 v-sit holding bb in front
10 RDL + 10 bent over row
10 muscle cleans
10 strict press
:20 Front Rack openers on Back
4 Power Cleans (pause in catch)
4 Push Jerks (pause in Catch)
4 Quick push jerks (flow through without pausing on collarbones)
PRIMER – empty barbell unbroken DT
Build to heavy set of “DT”
Every 3 Minutues x 4 Sets
12 Deadlifts
9 Hang Power Cleans
6 Push Jerks
Start @ RPE 5 and build to RPE 9
NOTES This does not have to be unbroken. There is a :60 time CAP for the complex however, so if it is not completed in a minute it does not count as a successful lift. There should not be more than 2 breaks/set. Big 2 Minute rest after each set, start fairly light and then really push the last 2 sets.
12/8 Cal echo bike
Max Rep Clean and Jerk @ 115/85#
:60 rest b/t
*score is total reps on Barbell
NOTES This is meant to be FAST paced workout. Need an aggressive pace on the bike from the start. Bike should not take longer than :30 decrease cals if needed. Stagger heats so almost everyone can use echo or assault Bikes.