Workout of the day
Tuesday, January 2nd 2023
WARM UP – KB, bike
30 KB swings
15/12 cal bike
10 cossack squats
:30 forward fold
:30 downward w/ reach to opp. foot
:30 scorpion / side
5 inch worm to push ups
10 KB Overhead Tricep Extensions
10 hollow hold leg raises
5/5 half kneeling KB arnold press
5/5 KB clean to reverse lunge
5/5 KB OH reverse lunges
PRIMER – before metcon
6 Snatch Grip Deadlifts
6 Muscles Snatches
6 BTN Push Press
3 Snatch Balance
3 Hip Power Snatches
E4M x 4
6/6 DB Bulgarian Split Squats (heavy)
12 Barbell Skull Crushers (on floor)
1:00 plank – on forearms
EMOM x 12 / alternating
-12/9 cal echo bike
-6 Power Snatches @ 115/80
**Barbell reps increase by 2 reps every completed set.
NOTES Barbell does not have to be unbroken. Weight should allow athletes to go unbroken for 1st round. If an athlete fails to complete all the reps they will return to starting rep scheme and finish out maintaining that.
Score = total reps on barbell. Must complete all Bike cals each round to be Rx