Workout of the day
Monday, January 29th 2024
WARM UP – barbell
30 single unders
5 bar facing burpees
10 RDLs
10 air squats
5 front squats
5 bar facing burpees
30 double unders
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – box, mini band, barbell
:30/:30 Box Pigeon
5 Box Jumps
*mini band around knees
10/10 banded side steps
10/10 clam shells
*band around wrists
10 banded shoulder external rotations
10 banded prone I’s
10 banded strict press (drive out into band while pressing overhead)
*grab barbell
5 Strict Press
5 Thrusters
5 Thrusters w/ workout weight
20 double Unders
6 DB Snatches
warm up BMU or Strict Pull-ups
For Time:
7x (17.5ish)
9 Thruster @ 115/85
35 double unders
5:00 rest
30 DB snatch (50/35) (Rx+40 reps)
15 BBJO @ 24/20″ (Rx+20 reps)
20 Strict Pull-Ups (Rx+ 20 Bar MU)
15 BBJO (Rx+20 reps)
30 DB snatch (Rx+40 reps)
1. Slightly shorter and slightly heavier than 17.5.Thursters should be a weight most of workout is unbroken. Mod -50 singles or 35 bar Taps
2. This will be tough, be sets on DB. Steady on BBJOs and Rig. Push hard on the back half.
Feel free to do some BMUs and finish out with strict pull-ups if 20 is to many, however if you are going to do any BMUs you must do the increased reps