Workout of the day
Friday, February 2nd 2024
WARM UP – bike
:30 bike (increasing intensity)
:15 rest
:30 burpees/air squats/v-ups
:15 rest
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – moderate band
*grab moderate band
1:00 half kneeling banded lat stretch / side
:45 Hand Cuff Stretch
2x :45 Spanish Squat Hold
*grab DB
4/4 single db arnold press
:30 deep goblet squat stretch
10 Goblet Squats
:30 spiderman stretch / side
4/4 db clean and jerk
PRIMER – Barbell
4 Slow motion clean Pulls
4 Jump and Catch in power Position
2 Hang Squat Cleans
4 Split Jerks w/ no barbell
4 Split Jerks w/ Barbell (pause in catch)
2 Squat clean and split jerk
Warm up wall walks and WFHSPUs and build up to metcon weight
AMRAP – 12
6 Deadlifts 165/115 (Rx+205/145)
5 Wall Facing HSPUs
4 Hang Power Cleans @ 165/115 (Rx+205/145)
3 Wall Walks
NOTES Hang power cleans need to be unbroken for majority of the workout, but they should feel heavy!.
HSPU need to be done with no more than1 break
MODIFY Wall Facing – to riser or pike HSPUs
@ 16:00
Every 2:00 x 5 Sets
1 Power Clean
1 Hang Clean
1 Jerk
drop/reset (no more than :10)
1 Clean and Jerk
*any style jerk
*start moderate and build to a heavy complex