Workout of the day
Monday, February 5th 2024
WARM UP – machine
Machine Tabata x
6 sets :20/:10
MOVEMENT/MOBILITY – mini band, barbell
:20 v-sit
:20 spiderman lunge / side
:20 samson lunge / side
:20 quad stretch / side
:20 cross-legged piriformis stretch / side
*mini band around feet
:20 marching in place
*around ankles
:20 lateral leg lifts holding rig / side
*mini band around knees
:20 banded side steps / direction
:20 monster walks / direction
:20 air squat w/ glute activation at bottom (drive knees out)
*band off
:20 curtsy lunge / side
*grab barbell
5 Muscle Cleans
4 Tall Cleans
3 Hang Cleans
:20 back squat hold
5 Back Squats
PRIMER – barbell
6, 4 back squats @ increasing weight
Every 2 Minutes x 5 Sets
6, 4, 4, 2, 2 Back Squats
*build to 92% for final set of 2
AMRAP – 18
Hang Squat Cleans @ 135/95
6 Lateral Burpee over bar
12 TTB
:60 rest b/t rounds
NOTES Barbell should be a weight athletes can go unbroken through round of 6. Workout flow athletes complete 2 hang squat cleans then 6 burpee then 12 TTB. The next round hang squat clean is 4 reps, then repeating same sequence 6 burpee and 12 TTB. Adding 2 reps to every completed round on the barbell.
*rest is there to allow for big sets of cleans and T2B