Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, March 29th 2024

WARM UP – barbell

3min easy bike

5/5 single leg DL

5 barbell good morning

5 deadlifts


10 scap pull ups


:10 L-sit Hold or Knee tuck on PU bar

:10 rest


5 kip swings

5 knee to elbow

5 Toe to bar or Air

10 push ups

10 prone snow angels

:30 cat/cows

:30 side lying t-spine rotation

:30 Scorpions


EMOM x 8 / alternating

-10-12 DB Bench Press

-15 Bent over supinated rows @ moderate load

NOTES This will be an upper body ACC day. Movements will vary week to week.


For Time (24min CAP)


12/9 Cal bike

12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 Deadlift @ 185/125 (Rx+ 225/145)

12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 TTB

NOTES Workout flow, 12/9 cal bike, 12 deadlift, 12 TTB, for round 1. The next round, 12/9 cal bike, 11 DL, 11 TTB. Until you descend down to 1. DL should be a weight athletes can perform unbroken for majority of the workout.

This is a lot of T2B, many athletes should pick a moderate number and stay there for all rounds.

MODIFY TTB – 5 reps across or Kipping Toes to Air

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