Workout of the day
Monday, December 20th, 2021
Coach led warm up
2 Sets:
1) Alternating elbow to instep + Jog
2) straight leg Kick + Jog
3) Alternating lateral lunge + Jog
4) Alternating Hamstring Scoop Stretch + Jog
5) Alternating Knee Hug + Jog
6) inch worm burpee + Jog
7) Broad Jump + Jog
*Stretch 50ft, Jog 50ft
4 Rounds For Time:
800m Run
– Rest 2:00
Post total time to Wodift and Whiteboard
2 Sets:
:30 Seated Reach Stretch in Straddle
:30 Rocking Calf Stretch / ea. Side
Extra credit
Practice Session
3 Sets:
10 Alternating Strict Single-Leg Toes-to Bar (mod: single leg lift, weighted knee ups, or alt toe touch from floor)
20 Alternating Single-Leg Squats (mod: post, band, ball, edge of box, or bench/ low seated)
1:00 Triple Under or double under Attempts