Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Saturday, July 13th 2024


Partner 1 – Tabata Bike x 3 Minutes

Partner 2 – Tabata x 3 Minutes (alternating)

-High Plank

-Glute Bridge Hold

then Switch,


:30 Cat/Cows

:30 Figure 4 Rotations (each)

:30 Wrist Stretch

10 Cossack Squats

*grab DB

6/6 DB Strict Press

6 S/A DB Devils Press

10 DB OH Tricep Extensions

6 Push-ups


In Teams of 2

(with 1 working at a time)

50 – *40 – *30 -* 20 – *10 *

DB Push Press (50/35s)

Bike Cals

DB Deadlift (50/35s)

*after each set perform 10 Wallwalks

right into,

100/80 Cal Row

Notes – break up reps however you would like, wall walks can be split up as needed as well

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