Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Thursday, December 16th, 2021

Coach led warm up

Running floor stretches


Set 1:


100m Run (Easy to moderate pace)

5 Single Arm Ring Rows / Arm

10 Weighted V-ups

Rest 1:00

Set 2:


100m Run (Moderate pace)

5-10 Strict side to side Pull-up

10 Weighted V-ups

Rest 1:00

Set 3:


100m Run (Workout pace)

10 Floor rope Climbs

10 Weighted V-ups

Rest 1:00

Set 4:

For Completion:

100m Run (Workout pace)

2:00 Rope Climb Practice

10 Weighted V-ups


5 Rounds For Time:

400m Run

1 Legless Rope Climb (mod: 6 strict pullups, banded, or supine single ring row)

3 Rope Climbs (mod: 10 foot hold pullup, or 6 from floor + 8 burpees)

Post time to Wodify and Whiteboard


3 Sets:

:30 Wrist Extension Stretch / ea. Side

:30 Rocking Calf Stretch / ea. Side

Extra Credit

Freestanding Handstand Practice

Spend around 10-15 min practicing the following progression:

1) Plank Hold

2) Pike Hold

3) Frog Stand

4) Frog Stand w/ Alt. Leg Extension

5) Headstand

6) Headstand w/ Knees to Chest

7) Kick to a Handstand and Hold

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