Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, July 22nd 2024

WARM UP – rower

500m row


:30 Couch on WB

:30 Tspine on WB

:30 cat/cows

10 scorpions

1:00 book t-spine opener / side

1:00 twisted hip opener / side

8/8 Fire Hydrants

8/8 Donkey Kicks

6/6 Figure 4 Rotations

4 Kang Squats (pause in bottom)


6 Wallballs


For Time


24/18 cal row (Rx+30/24)

18 Wall Balls (20/14) (Rx+24 reps)

*no rest b/t

*22min CAP

NOTES Simple workout, need to hold a solid row pace to have a good score. However row at a pace that will allow you to get through WB quickly. Goal is unbroken, no more than 1 break.

MODIFY Decrease WB weight if needed to keep big sets


E2M x 4

2 Legless Rope Climbs or 6-12 Chin Ups (your choice)

4/4 DB OHS (nice and slow)

*stay as light as needed on OHS, if positions feel good you can build in weight. Keep that elbow locked out.