Workout of the day
Thursday, August 8th 2024
:90 Machine then,
Banded Stretching
-3 Way Hamstring
-Side Lying Quad Pull
In 25′
Knee Tucks
Tin Soldiers
Walking Lunges
Shoo the Chickens
Lateral Lunge
Skips For Height
High Knees
Butt Kicks
10/10 Leg Swings
100m Out and Back Sprint
4 Rounds
4:00 On/2:00 Off
-Max Cal Row/Ski/Air Runner
*choose a machine and push. To long of a duration to sprint, but short enough where you need to push the pace.
*score is total Cals over the 4 rounds
rest 3 Minutes
“Hill Sprints”
8 Sets
100m Run
*walk back recovery
*goal here is to run faster than you normally do. Open up the stride. Be smart however, these shouldn’t be 100% sprint.
*score on board is just cals on the first part, run isn’t scored