Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Friday, August 9th 2024

WARM UP – box

20 box step-ups

200m run


:30 seated piriformis stretch on box / side

:30 seated forward fold

:30 v-sit

:30 Box Pigeon

3 3-way lunges / side (forward, lateral, and curtsy)

*grab DB’s

6 single arm thrusters / arm

4 single db lunges

4 double db thrusters

4 double db walking lunges

:30 calf stretch on DB / side

20 heel to toe rocks

PRIMER – bb, box

8 front squats

6 box jumps

4 front squats

2 burpee box jump overs


Every 2:30 x 3 Sets

5 Reps @ 75%

3 Reps @ 85%

1+ Reps @ 90

*last week, looking for max reps on the last set. Need to get at least 2 reps, anything over 6 and the weight is probably a little light.

*first two sets are heavier this week so that you can get to that final heavy bar without crazy jumps so take advantage of warm up time to build to 75% and hit several warm up sets


For Reps

AMRAP – 10

6 DB thruster @ 50/35s

4 Burpee box jump over

6 DB FR Reverse lunges

4 Burpee box jump over

@ 10:00 right outside

1mile Run @ easy pace

NOTES The run is for completion and is not scored. DBs need to be a weight athletes can perform more rounds than not unbroken. Use burpees to pace and try to go unbroken on DB

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