Workout of the day
Saturday, August 10th 2024
“The Warm UP”
:15 Jumping Jacks
:15 Air Squats
:15 Spiderman Lunge
:15 Jump Squats
McGill Big 3
-Curl Ups – 3 sets of :10 Hold Each Side
-Side Plank – 2 x :15 Each Side
-Bird Dogs – 3 x :10 Hold each side
*Grab Barbell
10 Good Mornings
10 Glute Bridges
5 Pushups
5 x :10 Deadlifts pause at Mid Shin
5 Push-ups
*build up to workout weight
40 Rounds For Time:
I Go/You Go (20 each)
-3 Deadlifts (245/165) (Rx+315/205)
-6 Push-Ups
-9/7 Cal Machine of Choice
*Intended Stimulus – Deadlifts are meant to be heavy, but something you do unbroken. This workout comes down to who can consistently move the machine fast over all the rounds.