Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, September 4th 2024

WARM UP – jump rope

1:00 single under

1:00 Plank

1:00 burpees


15 SLOW anterior tib raises

15 SLOW calf raises

:20 Tricep/Lat Stretch on Rig

:20 Chest Stretch on Rig

:20/:20 Calf Stretch on Rig

:20-:30 dead hang from rope or bar

5 rope hang knee tucks as high as possible

:10 Wall Facing HS Hold


20-30 double unders

1-2 Wall Walks

1 Pull Rope Climb


3 Sets

120 Double Unders

4 Wall Walks (Rx+6 reps)

2 Rope Climbs (Rx+3 reps)

Rest 2:00 Between Sets

NOTES -Big Sets of Dubs, cut reps if needed. Goal would be to do sets in around 2:00 or less. Wall Walks are meant to be small enough sets you can keep moving.


E3M x 4

10 DB Bench Press

3-6 Strict Chin ups

*use band to assist on chin ups or add weight to add challenge

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