Workout of the day
Saturday, December 4th, 2021
Coach led warm up
Partner medball warm up
10 roll to toss
20 lateral toss
10 roll to toss backwards
10 toss to slam
10 medball clean to shot
Part B
100 singles (split reps)
You go I go for 4 sets w/ bar of: (singles do 2 sets)
5 snatch grip deadlift
5 muscle snatches
5 snatch grip push press
100 singles (split reps)
WOD (partner or single)
20 min amrap of:
60 Double unders (mod: 120 singles)
20 Hang power snatches (95/65)
30 Wall ball shots (20/14)
* Partners split work how they want but move together from rig to wall as work is completed
*Singles complete 1/2 reps
Post rounds and reps to Wodify and Whiteboard
2 sets of:
3 min bike
:30 couch stretch/ ea. leg
20 reps alt. prone knee to chest pull to leg across pull