Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday October 23, 2013

Reminder: MHCF will be hosting the Monster Mash event this Saturday from 830 til approx 5PM.  We will NOT be holding class this day.  But definitely come up to cheer on the athletes (lots from MHCF) and stick around for the after party as we celebrate our 3 year anniversary 🙂

Lurong WOD 7 time!

Strength: 5×5 at 75% Squat Snatch, touch and go if you can.

WOD: 20 min OTM, alternating even and odd minutes.
Pick 2 Exercises/Weaknesses and perform 5-10 reps, depending on the exercise, at the top of each minute. Alternate 1 exercise on the even minutes and 1 on the off mintues  (Pull Ups, Squats, HSPUs, Pistols, DUs, Snatch, etc…make sure its something that will give you rest time)

*competitors do: 5 Push Ups and C2B Pull Ups OTM (each minute)

OR if you are Lurong-ing



Front Squats (95/65)

Push Press (95/65)

100m Farmer Carry (53/35), 10m shuttle (must go around the cone)

Then end with

13 Burpee Muscle Ups (or see mods)


Level III – 95/65, 53/35 and Burpee Muscle Ups

Level II – 95/65, 53/35 and Burpee Pull Ups

Level I – 45/30, 35/25 and Burpee over bar          


Cool Down

8 Rounds Reverse Tabata L-Sit Holds

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