Workout of the day
Monday September 9, 2013
Happy Monday! Benchmark month continues. We’ll be doing 2 benchmarks a week, on Mondays and Fridays so we’ll go into mid October getting through them all. Remember to push hard and record any PRs on the brag board!
Also, since we just re-maxed our lifts we started a new strength cycle last week that will continue for the next 12 weeks. We’ll then re-max at the end of the year. Remember, when doing the strength work off of percentages, use the most recent percentages obtained in August. Even if you have a higher number from a long time ago, please use the most recent numbers.
5 Rounds
400m Run
30 Box Jumps (24/20)
30 Wall Balls (20/14)
*35 min cut off (5 more than last time, so really try and finish!)
Cool Down:
Ab Mast Sit Ups
Double Unders