Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Wednesday, June 5th

Why do we do “Strength”? Here is a great link to explain Wendler’s 5-3-1 which we are currently incorporating into our training. With that said, if you miss a day of strength, try to make it up that same week. This is a system that works slowly over time but if you are sporadic with your lifts you will not be accomplishing the goals of this program.
Strength: Deadlift 5×5 @ 80%

Individual Event #6 – 2013
100 Double Unders
50 Hand-stand Push-ups
40 Toes 2 Bar
30 Shoulder to Overhead with Fat-bar (160/100)
90 ft Walking Lunge in Front Rack position (160/100)

Cool Down:
2 Rounds
10 GHD Sit-ups
15 Goodmornings (45/35)
A quote from Jim Wendler on training duration:

“People laugh and call me lazy, while they twit around in their three-hour workout making zero progress. Sometimes, instead of what you do in the weight room, it’s what you don’t do that will lead to success.”

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