Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, October 17th, 2011

I am sure it was easy enough to guess that we would have a taste of the games. This is just a quick start of it for the week. This weekend was definitely motivational, inspirational and even emotional at times. Sometimes the emotions were on edge just because we wanted to cry during a workout… other times it was because of the great encouragement fellow competitors expressed for each other. In addition, there is the out-pouring of encouragement that comes from all the spectators, as well as, compliments for a job well-done. I know this was not my first rodeo but the amount of excitement from these events never ceases to motivate me to try harder and train harder for the next event. I hope some of you feel that way, too.
Max clean & jerk (keep moving build bar starting at 135/75 and rest time is time it takes to add 5 or 10 lbs)
THEN: (wod borrowed from FRCF)
4 rounds for time of:
15 pullups, chin over
15 burpee-boxjumps, 24″ box (20″ box)

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