Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Some more info….

First off Congrats again to all those who competed in the CO Open this weekend.  What a great event! Atlas stones, KB Thrusters, 30# and 20# wall balls…oh my!  And a special thanks to everyone who came out and supported the competitors.  You guys rock and help to make MHCF such a great community!
Final Placings:
Chris Scrabis – 24th
Chad Dagenhart – 47th
Jason Hilliard – 58th
Chad Kozlowski – 76th
Shara Scrabis – 15th
Shannon Schoenborn – 25th

11AM Open Gym 5 days a week Mon-Fri starts today.  Stop in for a short wod, work on skills, or get some extra lifting in.

4:30PM Class starts today.  We will be holding this class on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays.

Pricing Changes Effective Sept 1st MHCF will be chaning their pricing structure.  All those current members under contract are automatically grandfathered into your current prices.  Ask a Coach for more details.

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