Workout of the day
Tuesday, March 22nd, 2022
Coach Led Warm Up
3:00 Flux Row
:30 easy/:20 moderate/:10 hard
2 Sets -10 Cat/Cows
-10 Scorpions
-:30 Straddle Stance
2 Rounds
-5/5 SL RDLs
-10 Bent Over Rows
-10 Wide Stance Squats
EMOM x 10 Minutes
-2 Deadlifts
*stay at one weight across sets, focus is on form and and building volume. No higher than 70%
4 Rounds For Time:
-30 Air Squats
-30/25 Cal Row
-30 Alt. Hang DB Snatches (50/35)
18 Minute Time Cap
Post time to Whiteboard and Wodify
-Foam Roll Lower Back
-:30 Puppy dog Stretch
-1:00 Straddle Stretch
Extra Credit
4 Sets
-Chin-ups x 5-10 Reps
-Pendlay Rows x 8 Reps