Monday, February 1st, 2016
- barski snatch: all from hang, no straps. Work up to (70%x3, 75%x3, 80%x3) 3 rounds.
- Deficiet snatch pulls (standing on a 2” block) 90%x5, 95%x4, 100%x3
- Snatch push press+overhead squat+snatch balance no dip+ sotts presses: 1+1+1+2 reps x 5 sets. You declare the weight to be used
- halting deadlifts: take bar from floor to launch position and hold for 6 seconds. Make sure your back is arched, weight centered on feet or very slightly back, shins perpendicular to floor, head straight. Perform 5 sets x 5 reps. You decide the weight. After each rep of holding take bar to high hang….reset from the high hang and take to hang. Only the first rep is from floor.
- AB mat situps x 100 reps.