Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Monday, December 19th

Great evening Friday night at Celebrity Lanes. Thanks to those of you who joined in, we missed those of you who couldn’t make it, hopefully, next time!

Just a quick note regarding holiday schedule: with our holidays falling on weekends we will have our normal 10 am Saturday class and will obviously not have any open gym on Christmas Day (although, I know ya’ all are die-hards and would probably show up… I’m gonna opt out) the only other change at this time will be NO 5:30 AM on MONDAY, DECEMBER 26th. All other class times will remain in tact.

 ALSO…get your hoody/shirt orders in ASAP.  Only a couple days left to order!

Strength Training: 5-5-3-3 OHS
3 rounds
10 Pull Ups – C2B
10 Front squats (165/105)
10 Burpees

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