Workout of the day

Workout of the day

Tips on Rowing

Here are some tips I found to help with rowing. We always have competitive rowers who have more tips to provide based on their experience but this list was specifically focused on a row machine. Hope it helps re-state some of the advice we try to give in the gym.

  • For your first row, set the resistance low while you figure out your form, then slowly ramp it up on subsequent rows.
  • Secure your feet on the pads and bend your knees so that your legs form an upward triangle, and slightly lean forward at the hips. Keep your back straight; don’t hunch or arch.
  • Grip the handle, keeping your elbows at your sides. Push back with your legs until they are almost but not completely extended, keeping your back straight. Meanwhile, let your arms straighten until they are almost but not completely extended.
  • When the legs are extended (don’t lock your knees!), pull your arms toward you so that the handle is about one inch from your stomach.
  • When the legs are extended and the arms are pulled in, recline ever so slightly as you focus on pulling in your abs.
  • Straighten your arms and follow the chain as you bend your knees and return to the starting position, leaning slightly forward at the hips.
  • Always use both arms, and alternate between overhand and underhand grips to decrease arm fatigue.

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